Q&A with Benjamin Spencer, Spacecraft Systems Engineer

Q: What excites you the most about working at a company like Apex?
I’m most excited about the blend of background and experiences that everyone here at Apex brings to the company and how we are applying it to be fast and innovative. The space industry has been talking about the standardized, low-cost common bus for a while now, and joining a company whose goal is to realize this dream, is an opportunity that I didn’t want to miss out on.
Q: Why are you excited about space?
All the possibilities that come with the latest wave of new space companies. We’re seeing many customers who typically partner with the traditional aerospace companies invest in these new space companies and are bringing new applications, engineering, and production challenges. Being at the forefront of this wave is an exciting place to be.
Q: You are somewhat new here at Apex. What has surprised you the most so far?
How quickly the team moved from clean sheet design to flight heritage with the Aries bus. I first visited Apex in December of 2022, right when the office opened, and saw firsthand the SpaceX Transport 10 countdown clock that pushed the team from whiteboard block diagrams to launch vehicle integration in just a little over a year.
Q: Tell us a bit about what you do in your free time.
I really enjoy spending time with friends and family and playing cello in my local community orchestras. When I can, I also try to get out of the house for a hike and the occasional ski trip.